i am a

Professional Freelancer

Professional Indemnity Insurance

The entire chosen limit is yours

Choose from as little as 100k, all the way up to £5m.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

As little as a coffee per month

Insurance premiums start from just under £70 per year.

Cover provided by Markel

One of the Uk’s largest insurers, great customer service.

So you’re a freelancer. Boldly going forth into the world with no one to answer to but yourself. If only that were actually the case.

As we’re sure you know, you carry the full responsibility for whatever work you do as a self-employed professional. Which means if one of your clients thinks your advice or actions have been responsible for them losing money, they could take you to court. Leaving you to pick up legal costs and potential damages, even if you’ve not done anything wrong.

Every freelancer needs a bit of extra armour

Even though the title ‘freelance’ doesn’t mean quite the same today as it did back in the days of knights of old, the brave lone warrior (even its just of the keyboard variety) still needs all the protection they can get. First off, Professional Indemnity insurance is the first thing to get if you don’t want mistakes, actual or perceived, leading to costly legal action.

It can cover legal costs, plus any damages awarded against you, up to your chosen limit, from just over £5 a month. And because it’s with ipro, it can also cover claims that are not yet known for work you did before you took out the policy – whether you had insurance or not.

ipro insures

  • Journalists
  • Interior Designers
  • Musicians
  • Researchers
  • Architects
  • Public Relations Advisers

I didn’t really know I needed professional indemnity insurance until I came across ipro. Now I get it, and they’ve made the whole process really easy.

Sean BoothFreelance Graphic Designer

Getting my insurance via ipro was extremely easy, the quote only took a few minutes and the pricing was great.

Jon CordenProject Manager - Construction

Great communication and quick responses through emails and on the phone. Very helpful with questions regarding insurance details and what I needed to set up my business.

Luke FinchConsultant - Hospitality

What insurance do I need?

Professional Indemnity insurance is a must-have for freelancers as it can covers any work you do or advice you give. If a client (or a third party, such as one of their customers) claims that they’ve suffered a financial loss because of something you’ve done, they could take legal action against you and your business.

Freelancers should also take a look at the following essential items of protection:

  • Public Liability Insurance which can cover injury or property damage suffered by your clients or customers
  • Business Equipment Insurance to protect the tools of your trade – like laptops, tablets and other equipment.
  • Employers’ Liability Insurance is a legal requirement if you employ anyone and can protect you and your employees for any workplace injuries.
  • Management Liability Insurance gives you a helping hand as a limited company and includes cover from the dreaded IR35 Tax Investigations

Great value. Awesome service. No worries

Tailor-made insurance services that are right for you

Professional Indemnity
Up To £5 Million

What is Professional Indemnity insurance?

Professional Indemnity Insurance, sometimes-referred to as Professional Liability insurance can protect you if you have, or you are accused of providing poor service, sketchy advice or dodgy design. It can cover legal costs (which, believe us, can run into the tens of thousands) as well as damages awarded against you.

Why is Professional Indemnity insurance important?

While Professional Indemnity insurance is not a legal requirement for most professions, our freelancers and contractors tell us that more and more of their clients are requiring them to hold it under contract. Without Professional Indemnity insurance, you could be exposing yourself to eye-watering legal bills and compensation payments. Not to mention all of that wasted time that could be better spent doing what you do best.

Do I need Professional Indemnity insurance?

Freelancers and contractors who give advice or provide a service require Professional Indemnity insurance. We’ve put together a list of things that might make your decision a little bit easier:

Do you provide advice or consultancy? Yes? Your clients could make a claim against you if the advice you have provided has caused them financial loss. Even if you have given them the correct advice, but they say you haven’t, who will cover the legal costs?

Do you handle other people’s information or intellectual property? You could face a costly claim if you inadvertently breach your client’s legal rights or perhaps disclose information that you shouldn’t.

Your contract makes you have it. Do your clients make you sign a contract when they instruct you? Have you checked those t’s and c’s? Our freelancers and contractors tell us that many of their contracts require them to hold Professional Indemnity insurance.

Are you an expert, a demon at design calculations and plans? What happens if you make a mistake, or are accused of making one? Legal bills and compensation claims can run into seriously scary numbers!

Are you a member of a professional body? Often those bodies require their members to hold Professional Indemnity insurance. Have you checked yours?

What does Professional Indemnity insurance cover?

Professional Indemnity insurance or professional liability insurance can cover the legal costs and expenses that you incur defending yourself against allegations of bad service, poor design or wrong advice. The policy can operate even if you have done nothing wrong, but you need to clear that good name you’ve spent years building.

What level of Professional Indemnity insurance do I need?

Here at ipro, we offer limits of between £100K and £5m. It really is up to you how much you want to buy, but we’ve put together a few points that will help you make up your mind

  1. Think about the work you do and what could happen. If your client is not happy with your work they may simply try and claim back the money they have paid. However, what happens if there has been a knock on effect? – If your mistake or delay has cost your client money and has delayed a wider project, compensation claims and legal bills can far exceed the amount you have been paid.
  2. What if you inadvertently breach your client’s intellectual property? You could be in for a huge bill.
  3. Does your contract specify you must hold a certain amount?
  4. Are you a member of a professional body? Do they require a minimum level of cover?

How much does Professional Indemnity insurance cost?

ipro Professional Indemnity insurance costs from just over £5 per month. Our policy, unlike many others has what is known in the insurance game as ‘full retroactive cover’. This means it can provide protection for issues arising from work you’ve done in the past, that are not yet known, even if you didn’t have insurance in place at the time. Great, eh? You can be covered within minutes, and you can even pay by interest free instalments.

Public Liability
Up To £5 Million

What is Public Liability insurance?

If a client is injured whilst visiting your premises, or you cause an injury at theirs, or perhaps damage a third party’s property, you could be legally responsible. These types of claims can be seriously costly, why not consider adding public liability to your ipro policy today?

Why is Public Liability insurance important?

We all know accidents happen, but they don’t need to ruin your world. A slip, trip or the even worse can lead to seriously costly compensation claims against you and your business. But you’ve got enough to worry about, why not add public liability to your ipro policy today?

Do I need Public Liability insurance?

If clients visit you, you go to them or if your business operates anywhere public, then Public Liability insurance is seriously crucial. It can protect you and your business against eye-watering compensation claims for bodily injury and property damage.

What does Public Liability insurance cover?

In a world of compensation and legal actions, Public Liability insurance can provide cover for the cost of awards made against you or your business in respect of bodily injury or property damage caused in the course of your work.

What level of Public Liability insurance do I need?

At ipro, we offer limits up to £5m, which sounds a lot, but compensation claims are on the up and up! – Ultimately, you need to choose a limit that you feel comfortable with but when deciding, think about any injury or damage that you or your business could cause in the course of your work and how much that may cost.

How much does Public Liability insurance cost?

At ipro, we offer Public Liability insurance from under £4 per month, even better, you can have cover within minutes and even pay by interest-free instalments. Come on, take the weight off those shoulders.

Employers’ Liability
Up To £10 Million

What is Employers’ Liability insurance?

Apologies. We’re about to get all boring and legal for a minute. Under the Employers’ Liability Act 1969, limited companies with employees are obliged to have Employers’ Liability insurance. It protects a company’s employees if they are injured or fall ill as a result of the work that they do. It can cover both compensation claims that they may be entitled to as well as your legal fees in defending it.

Why is Employers’ Liability insurance important?

Employers’ liability insurance is not only a legal requirement for a limited company with any employees but also can protect you, and your business against those massive compensation claims you read about for accidents and injuries that happen to employees at work.

Do I need Employers’ Liability insurance?

If you are a limited company and employ anyone. then Employers’ Liability insurance is a legal requirement. There are serious fines and consequences for employers that do not have it in place.

Even if you don’t directly employ anyone but use other contractors you should consider this cover to be extra safe. There have been legal cases where courts have ruled that by the legal definition what you may have thought of as a contractor is actually an employee.

What does Employers’ Liability insurance cover?

Employers’ Liability insurance can provide cover for any employees (including yourself) if injury or illness occurs as a result of your work.

What level of Employers’ Liability insurance do I need?

Our Employers’ Liability section includes cover of up to £10m which is an industry standard.

How much does Employers’ Liability insurance cost?

Our Employers’ Liability section provides £10m worth or cover for under £5 per month. What’s more, you can get protected in minutes and even pay by interest free instalments.

Management Liability
Up To £100k

What is Management Liability insurance?

Management Liability insurance, sometimes known as Directors and Officers Insurance can protect you as a director, partner or officer of a company for both legal costs and compensation claims made against you as an individual. These can include IR35 tax investigations as well health and safety executive investigations and much more. What’s more, ipro customers get unlimited access to the law firm rradar which gives you access to legally trained professionals as many times as you like. Hows that for peace of mind?

Why is Management Liability insurance important?

You’ve set up on your own, you’re doing something for yourself, you’re a business owner, but with that comes some serious responsibilities. Directors, partners, and officers of a company have a personal liability for the effects of their actions or omissions while performing their duties. That means that claims can be personally brought against you, which can result in fines, compensation orders and in the most serious of cases imprisonment, Management Liability insurance can provide protection by way of legal representation against claims brought against you.

Do I need Management Liability insurance?

Any director, officer or partner of a business has a potential exposure to legal action against them personally for their actions within the business. If such an action were to succeed, your personal assets, such as your home or car is at risk. With our Management Liability package, you can rest assured that an army of lawyers are at the ready should you be unlucky enough to have HMRC’s IR35 guys knocking at your door, for example.

What does Management Liability insurance cover?

Management Liability insurance can cover the cost of compensation claims and legal actions made against you personally in your capacity as a director, partner of officer of your business. These include such things as IR35 tax investigations and health and safety executive actions.

What level of Management Liability insurance do I need?

At ipro we offer £100K worth of cover when you select to include Management Liability on your policy.

How much does Management Liability insurance cost?

For the cost of approximately 15 minutes with a City Lawyer, you get £100K worth of cover and unlimited access to the specialist law firm rradar who are on hand to answer any legal queries that you may have. All for £7 per month and payable by interest-free instalments. That’s what we call a no-brainer.

Business Equipment
Up To £15k

What is Business Equipment insurance?

This covers your kit, so, any latops, computers, tablets, smart phones, cameras etc owned by your business. If you have an office, then any furniture owned by the business too.

Why is Business Equipment insurance important?

Have you ever had that OMG moment when you realise you’ve left your laptop or smart phone in that nice café on the corner and you’ve got a client calling you in five minutes? Well, we hope that the nice gentleman sitting next to you handed it in for safe keeping. But, what if he didn’t? Business Equipment insurance is there to protect your equipment and provide the means to replace it, if it is lost or stolen.

Do I need Business Equipment insurance?

Laptops and smart phones can be scarily expensive, but as a freelancer or contractor you’ll know that they are crucial to running your business. Don’t risk the upset of having to pull together some of that hard earned cash to replace them if they are lost or stolen. Add Business Equipment insurance to your ipro policy and give yourself one less thing to think about.

What does Business Equipment insurance cover?

Our Business Equipment section provides cover for theft, loss, physical destruction or accidental damage within your selected territorial limits. Remember; if you are planning to work from a Caribbean beach (and we’re super jealous if you are) then make sure you select our worldwide cover option.

What level of Business Equipment insurance do I need?

You need to add up the cost of all your business equipment, so things such as computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones etc – and if your business has an office, then furniture as well.

How much does Business Equipment insurance cost?

Your ipro policy can cover up to £15,000 worth of kit. Prices start from just £7 per month for up to £5000 worth of cover. Cover can be obtained within minutes and premiums can be payable by interest free instalments. Cool eh?

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