Terms & Conditions

Customer Information for Independent professionals.

This leaflet is intended to give you important additional information concerning our approach to arranging Commercial
insurance for Clients and how we handle your insurance.

Please read this in conjunction with the enclosed documents and keep it safely for future reference. If any points are
unclear, please contact our helpline on: 0161 234 9335

1. About us and Regulation

Bridge-IPro Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Bridge Insurance Brokers Limited registered number 996284 and
they are an independent insurance intermediary registered in England & Wales. No insurance undertaking has any
shareholding in our business and in turn we have no shareholding in any insurance undertaking.

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) details of which can be confirmed on the
Financial Services Register by visiting their website register or fca.org.uk by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
Our FCA Register number is 767068.

Our intention in issuing this Customer Information Sheet is to establish clearly and concisely with you the basis on and
extent to which we will provide you with placing services in relation to each policy which we arrange on your behalf,
unless there is a more specific agreement in writing between us. This document also highlights certain important
insurance practices and procedures that apply when arranging insurance and provides you with more general
information on our services.

We are required by our Regulator to provide this information to you so you can decide if our services are suitable.

We act on behalf of Markel Direct when issuing policies.

We would therefore urge you to read this document carefully and use the information to decide if our services are right
for you. If you do not wish our relationship to be governed in such a manner, you need to advise us in writing before we
proceed to arrange the insurance.

2. Explaining Our Service

In respect of risks on the ipro scheme we offer specific products as follows:
Professional Indemnity, Public Liability, Employers Liability, Management Liability and Business Equipment Insurance
from Markel Direct

Our selection of Insurer is based on product suitability for the trade or occupation you carry on.

We are not contractually obliged to deal with Markel Direct and review their position in the market periodically.

3. Your duty to give information

Insurance Act Legislation requires you to make a “fair presentation” of the risk before taking out a policy and throughout
the duration of the policy. The duty of “fair presentation” includes the declaration of any material facts or information that
could influence an underwriter whether to accept the risk and if so, upon what premium and terms. Failure to make a
“fair presentation” may result in a claim not being paid & you may lose your premium or a claim may not be settled for
the full amount.

You must answer all questions fully, honestly and accurately.

4. Matching your requirements

The online quotation system assesses your demands and needs and will provide information relating to the applicable
policy/ies available.

Our online system will ask specific questions to narrow down the options within the policy/ies and to determine whether
your risk is acceptable on the ipro scheme but this will not involve any comparison with cover or costs available from the
insurance market in general. We will not provide any information outside the details of these specific policies; therefore,
you will need to make your decision about the most suitable way to proceed
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of

Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

5. Information on costs

Our premiums are normally quoted inclusive of UK Insurance Premium Tax at the prevailing rate. If there are any
additional charges, including those, which are liable during the currency of the policy, we will identify these and inform
you before conclusion of the contract.

6. Remuneration and other income

Our principal remuneration for arranging the insurance will be by way of brokerage commission, being a proportion of
the premium paid which is allowed to us by the Insurer for placing the insurance with them.
Brokerage commissions for arranging the insurance are considered fully earned when the insurance incepts,
irrespective of when the premium for the insurance is payable to the Insurer and are not refundable in the event of
cancellation or early termination of insurance.

We may pay part of our remuneration to parties involved in generating enquiries for our services.
In addition to the above, you should be aware that as a result of arranging insurance, we may receive additional income
from the following sources: Profit commissions or profit share paid by Insurers on specific facilities and arrangements for
a limited class of business/administration payments for work carried out on behalf of Insurers.

We will deal with you openly and, when requested, we will disclose the amount of any additional income (or where that
is not feasible, a reasonable estimate of the additional income or its basis of calculation) from the above and any other
sources which we may receive in relation to insurance we arrange for you.

7. Claims Handling

We recognise the importance of a claim and the information provided in your documentation explains what you need to do.

8. Your duty to retain Employers Liability certificates (if applicable)

You should retain your Employer’s Liability certificates permanently as evidence of cover.

Please note that claims can come to light many years after the actual occurrence/event.

9. Contract law applicable

Unless otherwise agreed, any insurance arranged will be subject to English Law and any dispute relating to it, subject to
the jurisdiction of the English courts.

10. Confidentiality and Security

We will treat all personal information as private and confidential to us and anyone involved in providing your insurance,
even when you are no longer a customer. We will not give your personal information to anyone unless it is:
at your request or with your permission;
a legal requirement, such as by a court of competent jurisdiction, governmental or by regulation; or already in the public

We will take all appropriate steps to make sure that documents or information we handle or hold is maintained within a
secure environment. Our privacy policy can be found at www.iproinsure.co.uk/privacy-and-cookies-policy

11. Dealing with Customer complaints

If you are unhappy with our service for any reason or have cause for complaint you should initially contact the person
who arranged the policy for you at Bridge Ipro Ltd. at the address shown. They will tell you what they will do to resolve
your concerns and how long it will take. If matters are not resolved to your satisfaction, you are invited to write to the
Head of Legal, Regulatory, Compliance & Audit at the address shown below. If you cannot settle your complaint with us
you may have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Bridge-IPro Ltd
Cobac House
14-16 Charlotte Street
Manchester M1 4FL

Financial Ombudsman Service
Insurance Division
The Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR

12. Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This provides
compensation in the event any of its members go out of business or into liquidation and are unable to meet any valid
claims under its policies. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations.
This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim.

Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

13. Location of Insurers

Insurance is arranged with Insurers as follows:-
Markel Direct
20 Fenchurch Street,

ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Bridge-IPro Ltd t/as ipro an appointed representative of Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd

Terms of business and independent insurance broker status

1. Scope & Application

The purpose of this document is to set out our professional relationship and the services we will provide to you (other
than any services provided under the terms of a separate written agreement).
You should read this document carefully for as well as setting out the terms of our relationship it contains details of our
regulatory responsibilities.
If you do not object to our terms and conditions and use or continue to use our services then you will be deemed to have
accepted these terms of business.
We specifically draw your attention to the following sections:

Clause 13: Client money
Clause 14: Segregation of premium payments
Clause 15: Interest on premium receipts
Clause 22: Limitation of liability
This document is effective from June 2018 or whenever it is received (whichever is the later).

2. Definitions

“We/Us/ipro” means ipro a trading style of Bridge-IPro Ltd of Cobac House, 14-16 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4FL
Telephone Number: 0161 234 9335 Facsimile Number: 0161 236 6745
“FCA” means the Financial Conduct Authority of 25 the North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS
Telephone Number: 020 7066 1000

3. Regulatory status

We are an appointed representative of Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd an independent insurance broker, authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our permitted business includes arranging general insurance contracts,
dealing in contracts of general insurance, assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance and
agreeing to carry on a regulated activity. Our FCA Register number is 767068. These details can be checked on the
FCA’s Register by visiting the FCA’s website http://www.fca.org.uk/register or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
We are required to comply with the FCA Regulations relevant to an insurance intermediary and for Consumer Credit

4. Our Services

We act as independent Insurance Brokers on your behalf and as your agent. We are subject to the law of agency, which
imposes various duties upon Us. However, in certain circumstances We may act for or owe duties of care to other
parties. We will advise you when these circumstances occur so you will be aware of any possible conflict.
Our service includes:
• Arranging appropriate insurance cover with insurers which meets your requirements
• Assisting you in making any necessary mid-term amendments or additions
• Advising and helping you with any claim you need to make
• Providing services in our capacity as an insurance broker and not as a legal adviser or accountant
All quotations are valid for 30 days unless We inform you to the contrary and are subject to change in respect of the
amount of premium indicated and/or the terms and conditions that are applied. We can only take instructions to effect a
new policy or amend an existing policy from you or your authorised legal representative.
We will use all reasonable skill and care in the provision of our services.
It is possible that relevant changes in law regulation or its proper or new interpretation or application may occur after
provision of our services/after renewal or inception of your insurance policies. Unless we have specifically agreed to the
contrary we shall not be obliged to provide any advice in respect of the impact of such changes nor to revise, amend or
qualify our services or any aspect of them that have already been provided when such changes occurred.

5. Provision of Information and Document Retention

All activities undertaken by us as outlined in this document are provided by Us for your exclusive use and all data,
proposals and other information provided by Us in connection with our services are for your sole use. You agree not to
permit access by any third party to this information without our express written permission. We reserve our rights to take
action to protect proprietary information.
We will maintain records of the insurance policies we arrange for you in accordance with best practice within the
insurance industry. We provide this service free of charge as long as we remain your insurance broker. We recommend
that you retain all confirmations of cover and policy documents for as long as a claim is possible under the relevant
insurance policies and in accordance with statutory requirements.
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

6. Awareness of Policy Terms

When policy documentation is issued, you are strongly advised to read it carefully as the policy wording, schedule and
any certificate of insurance form the basis of the cover you have purchased.
It is vital to ensure that any policy Warranties, Conditions Precedent and Conditions are read, understood and fully
complied with. You must ensure that you understand all policy requirements and are able to follow these exactly – if not,
please advise Us immediately.

7. Professional Indemnity

We exceed the minimum FCA requirements in respect of Professional Indemnity Insurance.

8. Disclosure of Information

It is important that you understand that any information, statements or answers made by you to Us or your insurer are
your responsibility and must be full and correct. Your attention is particularly drawn to the importance of providing full
and accurate answers to questions asked about the risk as any failure to disclose any fact or circumstance material to
the insurance or any inaccuracies or inadequacies in your answers may invalidate your insurance cover in part or in
whole. A fact or circumstance will be material if it would influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in fixing the
premium or determining whether to take the risk. Unless you make a full response to questions asked We will be unable
to provide you with accurate advice and you may prejudice or forfeit your rights under the policy/ies arranged.
If you fail to provide Us with adequate or correct information as and when We or any insurer requests it, We reserve the
right to terminate the provision of services to you with immediate effect.

9. Insurer Security

We cannot and do not guarantee the solvency or continuing solvency of any insurer used and you should note that the
financial position of an insurer can change.
A liability for the premium, whether full or pro rata, may arise under policies where a participating insurer becomes

10. Communication

Telephone calls may be recorded.
We may communicate with each other by electronic mail, sometimes attaching further electronic data, where we have
each expressed a wish for that to happen – this includes electronic invoicing.
By consenting to this method of communication We and you accept the inherent risks (including the security risks of
interception of or unauthorised access to such communications and the risk of viruses or other harmful devices).
In addition, whilst We are prepared to accept cover instructions via e-mail during the currency of insurance arranged by
Us, We cannot accept liability for any loss or expense on your part arising from failure of transmission or receipt of such
Notwithstanding that We and you have reasonable virus checking procedures, you will be responsible for virus checking
all electronic communications sent to you. You will also be responsible for checking that messages received are
complete. In the event of a dispute neither of us will challenge the legal evidential standing of an electronic document
and the Bridge system shall be deemed the definitive record of electronic communications and documentation.
We also refer you to clause 23 herein.

11. Fees and Payment

We will arrange premium collection by means of providing your account details to premium finance providers to enable
them to collect the premium, either in one amount or by instalments as agreed with you. Instalment facilities are subject
to status.
Alternatively you may pay us via debit or credit card.
We reserve the right to make administration charges for issuing copy policies or certificates requested by other parties,
such as solicitors or banks. Any such charge will be notified to you in advance.
In order to be able to offer you credit facilities We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
For the avoidance of doubt, We have no obligation to pay any premiums on your behalf and have no responsibility for
any loss which you may suffer as a result of Insurers cancelling the policy or taking any other prejudicial steps as a
result of the late payment of such sums if such delay is attributable to you.
Non-payment of instalments may result in immediate termination of our services.
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

12. Our Remuneration

The method of remuneration for our services to you is in the form of a proportion of the insurance contract premium paid
by you and allowed by the insurer with whom the insurance is placed (known as the brokerage). Brokerage is earned for
the policy period and We will be entitled to retain all brokerage in respect of the full policy period in relation to policies
placed by Us.
We may also receive “incentive” commission from insurers in recognition of profitability of our overall account, premium
income volume or growth with them. Such commission may apply whether our remuneration method is by brokerage or
fee. Your premium is not affected by our receipt of such commission.
In addition We will earn interest on insurance monies passing through our insurance bank account and may receive
commission payments from premium finance providers where applicable.
Notwithstanding the existence of “incentive” commissions We recognise our overriding responsibility to promote your
best interests in the selection of Insurers.
We may also act as a service provider to Insurers with whom insurance has been placed and receive remuneration by
way of administrative fees or commission in respect of these services.
You are entitled, at any time, to request information regarding any commission which we may have received as a result
of placing your insurance business.

13. Client Money

Client money is money that We receive and hold in the course of carrying on insurance mediation activities on behalf of
our clients.
We will hold any money received from you on behalf of an insurer or underwriter in accordance with a written agency
agreement We have entered into with the insurer or underwriter. Where this happens the insurance company bears the
risk of any losses as a result of the failure of the firm, or a bank or a third party to make a transfer of these funds, and
the funds are treated as received by the insurer when they are paid to Us. In the same way, any claims money or
premium refunds the insurer pays to Us will not be treated as received by you until they are actually paid over to you.
Any client money We hold on your behalf will be held subject to a statutory trust. The aim of the statutory trust is to
protect you in the event of the failure of the firm, or the failure of the bank or a third party at which the money may be
held. In such circumstances the firm’s general creditors should not be able to make claims on client money as it will not
form part of the firm’s money. The fact that We hold client money on trust gives rise to fiduciary duties which will be
owed to you until the client money reaches the insurer or product provider. The terms of the statutory trust do not permit
Us to make advances of credit from the trust to meet your premium obligations before We receive premium payments
from you. In the same way, We are not permitted to pay claims and premium refunds from the statutory trust before We
receive payment from insurers. We are not entitled to use client money to pay commissions before We receive the
relevant premiums.

14. Segregation of Client Money

We keep client money separate from our own money. We may do this by paying it into a client bank account.

15. Interest on Client Money

Any interest earned on client money held by Us and any investment returns on any segregated designated investments
will be retained by Us for our own use.

16. Unclaimed Money

From time to time clients move addresses or for other reasons lose contact with Us. Where this occurs, and a balance is
due to a client, We will continue to hold such money in a segregated account for a period of six years from the date of
the transaction. After that period We will cease to hold that money, as money specifically allocated to the relevant client
and may transfer it elsewhere. We will continue to maintain a list of transactions affected and undertake to make good
any valid claims occurring after the six year period.

17. Payment to third parties

Under FCA regulations We must inform you that in arranging/managing your insurance requirements We may transfer
money that you have paid to us as payment of an insurance premium to another insurance intermediary.
By accepting these Terms of Business you are giving your consent for Us to act in the manner described above.

18. Bank accounts

Client money will be deposited with one or more approved banks.
We may hold money in a bank account outside the UK. In such circumstances the legal and regulatory regime applying
to the bank may be different from that of the UK and, in the event of a failure of the bank, your money may be treated in
a different manner from that which would apply if the money was held by a bank in the UK. You may notify Us if you do
not wish your money to be held in a particular jurisdiction.
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

19. Claims

You are responsible for notifying claims or potential circumstances that may give rise to a claim in accordance with the
terms of the applicable insurance policy. In presenting a claim it is your responsibility to disclose all facts which are
material to the claim.
Therefore, to ensure full protection under your policy or similar documentation provided you should immediately
familiarise yourself with the conditions or other procedures relating to claims and claims notification. Failure to adhere to
the notification requirements particularly with regard to timing requirements may entitle insurers to deny your claim.
Therefore, please take into account any claims reporting instructions provided as failure to report a claim in a proper and
timely manner may jeopardize the operation of your cover. In addition you should retain copies of all insurance policies
and documentation as well as claims reporting instructions, as you may need to report claims after termination of a
You should not admit liability nor agree any course of action, other than emergency measures carried out to minimise
the loss, until you have the agreement of your insurer.
For specific advice regarding a claim or potential claim We would ask that you contact Us without delay should a
situation arise.
Where agreed We will provide a claims processing service for as long as you remain a client of ours. We reserve the
right to charge a reasonable fee for our services. Any such fee will be notified to you in advance.
Settlement cheques will be forwarded to you promptly upon receipt at our office.
Claims payment will be made in your favour. If you require a payment to be made to a third party then you must confirm
the required payee name and details and provide a brief explanation for your request.
In the event that an insurer becomes insolvent or delays making settlement, We do not accept liability for any unpaid

20. Confidentiality and security

We will treat all your information as private and confidential to Us and anyone else involved in providing your insurance,
even when you are no longer a client.
Information that We acquire from you will not be disclosed, other than in the normal course of performing services on
your behalf unless your consent has been obtained or if We are required to disclose it by the FCA, or by law.
We will take appropriate steps to ensure that any money, documents, other property or information that We handle or
hold for you is secure.
We are required to comply with financial sanctions legislation by checking clients’ identities against the UK Consolidated
Financial Sanctions List maintained by H M Treasury.
We undertake to comply with data protection legislation in all our dealings with your personal information. Under such
legislation you have the right to request a copy of any data We hold about you and to correct any inaccuracies in the
information We hold about you.

21. Complaints

We recognise the importance of quality service and We set ourselves high standards but things can go wrong in any
business and if for any reason We have not met your expectations We would like to know. Should this happen then :
i. In the first instance speak or write to the person who normally deals with your insurance or premium finance. Your
complaint will be acknowledged promptly advising who is dealing with the complaint and indicating when you may
expect an answer. We will provide a formal written response within four weeks from the receipt of the original
complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved within this timescale We will write with an explanation as to progress
and the likely timescale involved. We aim to provide a formal response to all complaints within eight weeks of
receipts of the original complaint. Where this is not possible We will provide you with an explanation of why the
complaint has not been resolved within this timescale and will give you a date on which We expect to be able to
ii. If you are not happy with the response you receive under (i) above, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to
the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9SR, telephone
number 0800 0234567.
iii. If your complaint relates to a contract of insurance you may direct your complaint to the Chief Executive of your
Insurer as stated in your policy document. Your insurer also operates a complaints procedure details of which are
shown in your policy documentation.
iv. In the event of failure to resolve the dispute by your Insurer you may have the right to refer the matter to The
Financial Ombudsman Service.
ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

22. Limitation of liability

For the purposes of the following limitations of liability, “you” means you, the Client for whom we have agreed to provide
services, and also includes, if We are found to owe any legal duties to them, any of your related or associated
companies and/or any members, officers, employees or consultants of yours or any of your related or associated

We warrant that We will provide our services to you with reasonable skill and care. All other warranties, conditions and
other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from these terms of

Nothing in these terms of business limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our
negligence, for any damage or liability incurred as a result of our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or any liability
arising out of our failure to comply with the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) or any rules laid down by
the FCA.

You agree to hold harmless and indemnify us our directors and staff against any misrepresentation (intentional or
unintentional) supplied to us orally or in writing in connection with our services.
i We will not be liable for any loss incurred as a result of the provision by you to Us of incorrect or inadequate
information or the failure of you or others to supply any appropriate information or your failure to act on our advice or
respond promptly to communications from us.
ii You agree that you will not make any claim or take any action personally against any of our individual members,
officers, employees or consultants. However, this does not alter any liability that We as a company may have for the
negligence of any of these individuals.
iii We will not be liable to you for any loss of anticipated revenue or savings or loss of profit;
iv We will not be liable to you for any loss of contracts or business opportunities;
v We will not be liable to you for any loss of goodwill or damage to reputation;
vi We will not be liable to you for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other such
claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by our negligence of that or any of our individual members,
officers, employees or consultants or otherwise) which arises out of or in connection with the services we provide, or
agreed to provide, to you.

vii We are required by the FCA to maintain a certain level of professional indemnity insurance and in any event the
total liability of Us and our members, officers, employees or consultants in respect of each and every claim shall be
limited to the sum of £5,000,000. For these purposes, a “claim” means any claim or demand (whether for
compensation, damages or otherwise) made by you against Us and/or one or more of our members, officers,
employees and consultants. If a number of claims arise directly or indirectly from the same cause or event, then
they will be treated as one claim, rather than a series of claims, and regardless of whether the multiple claims are
made by the same or different claimants.

viii In relation to “Regulated Activity” as defined in the FSMA We will only deal with third parties who are authorised and
regulated to carry on such activities and will not knowingly deal with any unauthorised third party.

We will take reasonable steps to check that any client or other party that requires authorisation under the FSMA to
carry on their business is authorised and regulated to do so by the FCA. We do not accept any liability for the failure
of any other party with whom We have a trading relationship to possess the necessary authorisation by the FCA or
any consequences arising out of the failure of the third party to comply with FSMA or the rules laid down by the

Ix We do not accept liability in favour of anyone other than you. We do not assume any legal responsibility for the work
of third parties engaged on your behalf.
x We accept no liability for losses arising from changes in the law or the interpretation thereof that are first published
after the date on which we provide you with advice.
xi We are not and shall not be liable to You or any other person for any loss cost or liability whatsoever caused by the
act, omission, fraud, delay, negligence, insolvency or default of any bank, financial institution, clearing or payments
system or of any regulatory, governmental or similar body or authority or of their directors, officers, employees,
agents or representatives.

23. E-mail and viruses

For the purposes of this clause 23, the term “virus” includes, but is not limited to, viruses, distributed denial-of-service
attacks, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, malware and any other computer programming routines or engines that may
infect, damage, destroy, disrupt, or otherwise impair your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other
proprietary material.

We do not warrant that any emails sent by or on behalf of Us are secure or free from viruses or that any computer or
other hardware owned by Us or any employee, officer, agent or representative of Us (“our hardware”) is free from

ipro and ipro insure are trading styles of Bridge-iPro Ltd, an appointed representative of
Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
It is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures, anti-virus software, information technology, computer
programs and virus checks to ensure that any virus transmitted from Us to you by email or by the connection of our
hardware to your hardware, systems or networks does not adversely impact your systems or business.
We will not be liable to you for any losses which arise as a result of the transmission of any virus from Us to you by
email or by the connection of our hardware to your hardware, systems or networks. We will not be liable to you for any
losses which arise as a result of a delay or failure in the transmission of an email from Us to you.

24. No Waiver

If We fail, at any time, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under these terms of business or if We
fail to exercise any of the rights and remedies to which We are entitled under these terms of business this shall not
constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations. A waiver
by Us of any of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. No waiver by Us of
any of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated by
Us to you in writing.

25. Severability

If any of these terms of business are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to
any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and
provisions which shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

26. Compensation

We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from
the FSCS if We cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim.
For further information you can contact the FSCS helpline on 0207 892 7300 or visit their website at www.fscs.org.uk

27. Notice

Insurers pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange run by Insurance Database Services Ltd and the
Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register run by the Association of British Insurers. The aim is to check
information provided and also prevent fraudulent claims.

28. Termination

Our services may be terminated for any reason either by you or Us in writing.
In the event that our services are terminated by you other than at the expiry of the relevant policy period or at renewal,
We will be entitled to retain any and all fees or brokerage payable in relation to the relevant policy/ies, including any
amendment, placed by Us prior to the date of termination. This will include any sums due in respect of any outstanding
instalment(s) of premium and any premium payable in respect of any subsequent annual period forming part of an
insurance agreed for a period of more than one year.

29. Law and Jurisdiction

These terms of business shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. In relation to any legal
action or proceedings arising out of or in connection with these terms of business we both irrevocably submit to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

30. Acceptance of these terms

Your acceptance of these Terms of Business does not affect your normal legal rights.

Insurance professionals you’re in good company with